Ob im Bandraum, auf der B?hne oder Zuhause: Pedaltrain Pedalboardsysteme stellen das Grun...
Ob im Bandraum, auf der B?hne oder Zuhause: Pedaltrain Pedalboardsysteme stellen das Grundskelett des eigenen Equipments dar u...
чехол-рюкзак (GT-10, GT-6B, RC-50 и BR)
сумка для SP-404/555/SONIC CELL
Fame Spaceboard 40 - педалборд, предназначенный для удерживания до восьми педальных эффектов, с сумкой в комплекте. Линейка Fam...
The Fame Spaceboard 50M is a pedalboard designed to hold up to four effects pedals and comes with a padded gig bag. The Fame Sp...
The Fame Spaceboard 50S Pedalboard is designed to hold up to four effects pedals and comes with a padded gig bag. The Fame Spac...
The Fame Spaceboard 60 is a pedalboard designed to hold up to 10 effects pedals and comes with a padded gig bag. The Fame Space...
The Fame Spaceboard 60L is a pedalboard designed to hold up to 10 effects pedals and comes with a padded gig bag. The Fame Spac...
The Fame Spaceboard 80 is a pedalboard designed to hold up to 12 effects pedals and comes with a padded gig bag. The Fame Space...
Pedaltrain Classic 1 TC
Temple Audio Design USB Power Output Module
Pedaltrain PB1 Single Pedal Booster
Pedaltrain PB2 Double Pedal Booster